Key Benefits
- Helps utilities achieve true digital transformation with the automation of existing manual or archaic batch integrations
- Decreased Integration Costs - Reduces the need to develop new, custom integrations
- Stability - Simplifies maintenance and product updates
- Secure - Industry standard security protocols and authentication requirements ensures the Cogsdale API can be used securely for both internal and externally facing integrations
Uses industry-leading identity management framework, including the capability to synchronize with the Utility Provider’s existing Active Directory repositories. Offers role-based security to facilitate controlling security at each API level.
Function Coverage
Provides end points for account management, customer management, payments, charges, deposits, service orders, mobile solution engineering, enerterprise asset management, etc.
Easy Adoption
Standard RESTful API with tokenized security framework, JSON request/response and comprehensive documentation.
Comprehensive Documentation
Includes easy-to-use online documentation with usage examples and PostMan package templates.